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A new Lidl store for


The Site

Aerial photograph of the site Maps Data: Google, ©2024 Bluesky, Infoterra Ltd & COWI A/S, Getmapping plc, Infoterra Ltd & Bluesky, Maxar Technologies

Planning background

  • The new plans follow a new Retail Capacity Study which was completed by Herefordshire Council. Lidl is confident there is increased local need for an affordable supermarket option, nursery capacity, and a medical centre.
  • Authority alongside increased local need for an affordable supermarket option, nursery capacity, and a medical centre.
  • These proposals follow a previous scheme on this site in 2020 which was unsuccessful. Following that decision, Lidl has undertaken further work to build its case for this mixed-use development, including further independent retail assessments. Lidl believes the case for this mixed-use development has grown further in recent years.